GLAT - Games for Learning Algorithmic Thinking (2017-1-HR01-KA201-035362) is a project under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for school education.

The main objective of the project is encouraging the integration of coding and algorithmic thinking into the daily teaching through different subjects in students' younger ages in a fun and attractive way. It will be achieved by further professional training of teachers including the acquisition of the contemporary knowledge and skills connected to different innovative teaching methodologies. Special focus will be on using educational strategies of Game Based Learning (GBL) and gamification in order to foster creativity, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The project consortium brings together European experts in the field of didactics of informatics, e-learning, and GBL who will work on the development of the syllabus and learning materials for training course aimed to the Croatian primary junior grade teachers but it can be applied to all teachers across Europe.

During the project period, 20 teachers gathered in the focus group will take part in workshops, which will be designed according to the blended model of e-learning. The key part will represent f2f lectures at three sessions which will be held in Croatia while the online part will take place through the online learning system. Experts from partner organizations will help teachers to use the new acquired knowledge on using GBL in teaching the concepts of coding and algorithmic thinking for developing learning scenarios. They will implement the learning scenarios in classes with their students. An important element will be a collection of teachers’ and students’ opinions through surveys and interviews which will be used as a feedback to improve the designed workshops. The result will be the final enhanced version of syllabus with the learning materials and the best examples of learning scenarios in Croatian and English language.

All resources will be available in this Moodle e-course, which will also provide a community to exchange ideas and experiences for teachers.