This course was created within international Erasmus+ project named ‘Creative youth for the sustainable environment’. Partners on this project are Regional foundation for local development Zamah from Croatia, Saja projecto from Italy, Busines inovation Brokers from Spain and Centrum for komunitni praci severna Morava from the Czech Republic. Each of these organizations is responsible for creation of one specific learning module within course 'Susutainable development in practice'.
The main objective of this course is "To increase your competences, knowledge, and skills in four different areas of environmentally sustainable development, so you can actively and effectively contribute to the development of your communities". Within this course you will get the opportunity to learn more about the following topics:
Implementation of environmental campaigns Regional foundation for local development Zamah/Croatia
Sustainable agriculture within urban surroundings Saja projecto/Italy
Business application of sustainable agriculture Busines inovation Brokers/ Spain
Sustainable tourism Centrum for komunitni praci severna Morava/Czech Republic
Online platforma je trenutno u izradi te se kontinuirano nadopunjuje novim obrazovnim materijalima. U narednom periodu možete očekivati još novih obrazovnih materijala poput filmova, prezentacija i drugih.
The online platfom is currently under construction and is continuously updated with new educational materials. In coming period, you can expect more new edcucational content such as movies, presentations and others.
Online platforma je v současné době ve vývoji a je neustále aktualizována novými vzdělávacími materiály. V nadcházejícím období můžete očekávat další nové vzdělávací materiály, jako jsou filmy, prezentace a další.
- Teacher: Roko Nakić
- Assistant: Javi Finez
- Assistant: Giorgi Gogoladze
- Assistant: Ivo Skrabal
- Assistant: Lucie Spoustová
- Assistant: Manuela Trovato
- Assistant: Drago Vručinić